Dom Deloya

Creative Director/Copy

The LinkedIn Bio

Dom believes in the power of smart and simple ideas. His goal is always to let the idea tell the story, leading to years of successful integrated campaigns across all mediums. He’s led and developed creative across countless industries and uses those experiences to inform effective creative solutions on every project that comes next.

The Fun Stuff

Bios have always been difficult for me to write. Can you really get a good picture of who I am from a few sentences? So, I’ve opted to describe my perfect day. Buckle up. My perfect day: I wake up before my alarm because my mind tends to jolt me into the waking world. I struggle to find my glasses because without them, making the seven foot trek to the bathroom where my contacts sit would be impossible. Once I can see effectively, I prepare myself (mentally and physically) for the gym. I head on over and listen to a mix of Taylor Swift, blink-182 and literally hundreds of other artists. I return home, say hello to my wife and our cat Parmesan. I scribble some notes into my notebook about a short film idea I had while at the gym. Then, we head out to snag some food from a new restaurant with friends or family. After the food coma hits, I watch a movie (probably a Nolan film) and then dive into a book. Uh oh. I’ve dozed off, awakened by my wife telling me we have to pack for our upcoming trip the next day. I scramble to throw an assortment of outfits into my bag. I try to sleep, but can’t, because I can’t recall if I’ve packed enough socks.

The Award Shelf

  • Communication Arts Finalist (2022)
  • Effie Awards (Finalist 2022)
  • Hashtag Sports Awards (Best Integrated Campaign 2019)
  • The Show Minneapolis (4x Silver, 3x Bronze 2018-2021)
  • Hatch Boston (1x Gold, 3x Silver, 5x Merit 2016-2017)
  • Ad Club CT Awards (2023 Best in Show, 2023 Gold Pen, 5x Gold, 6x Silver, 10x Bronze, 22x Merit 2022-2023)

The Client Experience

  • Andersen Windows
  • Boston Celtics
  • SimpliSafe
  • Minnesota Twins Community Fund
  • Lawn Doctor
  • Hasboro
  • MINI
  • Dean Phillips for Congress
  • Kubota
  • Roots Canada
  • SToK Cold Brew
  • Bissell
  • Finnegans Brew Co.
  • Mall of America
  • General Mills
  • Discover Boating
  • Commerce Bank
  • B.GOOD
  • Amtrak
  • Empower Retirement